View Full Version : Hey Admin. Where did that thread go???????

08-29-2011, 08:50 PM
The one about that bloke from out Camden way being warned off by HRNSW?

There hasn't been any http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5rRZdiu1UE&feature=relmfu on the Forum has there?:p

David Summers
08-29-2011, 09:14 PM
Yes, I was looking for it too. Maybe someone got a bit controversial and "named names". Surely just individual posts can be removed and not the whole thread .

The thread looked like it could become a bit heated , AND rightly so, considering all the crap that is currently going on bringing the industry into disrepute.

Maybe taken down for legal reasons , but just a guess. Perhaps those behind all the current controversy ( no names , no pack-drill) have other "skills" too ------> computer hacking ;)

08-29-2011, 09:35 PM
G'day Ozninja,

Probably right. That being said, given what has happened in recent weeks here in NSW I think the various Forum Members should be commended as they have shown admirable restraint despite being under extreme provocation.

08-29-2011, 09:40 PM
He did admit to knowing about dead uns

08-29-2011, 10:09 PM
The one about that bloke from out Camden way being warned off by HRNSW?

There hasn't been any http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5rRZdiu1UE&feature=relmfu on the Forum has there?:p

Just had a look into it, and it was removed for legal reasons. I wasn't involved so don't know all the details, but from what I understand it was moderated reasonably.

G'day Ozninja,

Probably right. That being said, given what has happened in recent weeks here in NSW I think the various Forum Members should be commended as they have shown admirable restraint despite being under extreme provocation.

I agree. And try to edit/remove posts or even parts of posts rather than threads where possible.

Basically this will go on from time to time, we'll try to let discussion happen but if it's a choice between getting sued and removing a post or thread we're likely to take the easy route. It sucks, but it's more of a reflection on the industry's problems as a whole then us being gelded:)