View Full Version : A great Logo followed by a wtf is that ????????

Triple V
08-24-2012, 06:49 PM
http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/simgad/1319923005137112478 (http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=L&ai=B2BbnrxM3ULKnN8SdlQW81YGYDLyT0rYCAAAAEAEgpJjKAz gAUMG3hsUGWPT-76IxYKX4kYCQAbIBE3d3dy5oYXJuZXNzbGluay5jb226AQlnZn BfaW1hZ2XIAQPaASdodHRwOi8vd3d3Lmhhcm5lc3NsaW5rLmNv bS93d3cvSG9tZS5jZ2ngAQepAokEKpeaQas-wAIC4AIA6gIXSExfSG9tZV9SaWdodF8zMTF4MTAwXzP4AoHSHo ADAZADqAqYA6ALqAMByAMd4AQBoAYU&num=0&sig=AOD64_1VJRlpttXHcBfNlha1cimniiA8WA&client=ca-pub-4567530699870450&adurl=http://www.kentuckianafarms.com/stallions.html&nm=2&nx=51&ny=81)

Check these out.
Credit where it's due, the Logo for Muscle Mass is very clever and it is also clear...but fair dinkum, how about the one for If I Can Dream?
It has actually been around for a while & I had forgotten about it but now that the horse is down here at stud it has re-surfaced.
The Marketing & Branding Mavens have struck again.
It looks like the scrawl that a bloke with a fair few under his belt at the Pub could have been expected to add to the back of a Beer coaster.
As an aside, you've got to wonder just how long it will be before the NSW/VIC TAB's get in on the act...and they decide to run not only with a new colour coded Logo but one with similarly all but incomprehensible chicken scratch across it? It would only go with their ridiculously difficult to navigate and operate wesbite. Every day's a Diamond.