View Full Version : Excellent new rug to beat Queensland Itch

02-15-2011, 08:44 PM
G'day all. I've got nothing to do with this mob. This is just a quick plug...for a great RUG!
We've got a broodmare that suffers terribly with Queensland Itch, something that's made all the more annoying because she's in Sydney and also because she's currently feeding a foal. We've kept it at bay during the warmer months with various washes, rugs and so on but just recently my brother found a terrific rug which not only stops her getting bitten but also allows the foal safe, free access to feed & most importantly there's no chance at all of getting hung up in leg straps. It's basically like a huge body stocking & neck rug + hood but with a few extras including a belly covering attachment and IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You'd have to take a look at one to understand what it looks like.
The crew that make them are called Premium Equine, 35 Bunyarra Place, Hillville, NSW 2430, phone 02 6553 1098 or 0434 192 185. Here ends today's product wrap.

Forgot to add their website http://www.premiumequine.com.au