Consider the father and son team of Rocknroll Hanover and Rock N Roll Heaven...both excellent racehorses, one's already a proven sire and the other is going to get every chance to follow in his old man's footsteps.
Now here's the rub. Here's where the absolute bare faced bullshitting comes into play.
I was up at the Pub the other day having a chat with a few mates who are also breeders and I heard a comment that was attributed to one stud person who shall remain nameless to the effect that a heap of breeders had begun to cancel bookings with one of the above mentioned and had changed those mares over to the other.
Now under normal circumstances, whether you believed it or not, in the basic absence of anything reasonable to refute it you'd pretty much have to let that one slide.
However in this particular instance, given the large physical differences in play, anyone that looks another in the face and sell that line as Gospel needs to take a good long look at themselves.
If ever there were two sires that were physically so different that it would be more than reasonable to think that their books would be made up of considerably different mare types...then it is this father & son duo.
Old mate that spouted such crap should hang his head in shame.
That's exactly the sort of rot that messes with the heads of breeders who so often and at times erroneously look to people in his position for some fair & reasonable advice.