It's been fairly quiet on here in regards to this race. When I first heard about it I thought that it may attract horses from the US and Canada, I thought that would be interesting. Then I noticed it was for Aus bred horses only and the breeding industry would be putting up half the money against their wishes in most cases.
As it will be ran in NSW it fails to capture my attention and I am not happy to be supplying some of the funds. It seems as many are saying it will make the rich richer and the poor poorer.
The only ways for them to get my support would be to have the race move from state to state each year as each state will be contributing.
And the main thing is that The $ contributed by breeders should be paid to the breeders of the horse not the slot owner. So the slot owners should only get paid half the purse and the breeder of the horse should get the other half, all the way to last place. That's the only way I can see this race being any incentive to breed horses.