Revenue has more than had his chance in the US. He produces great looking offspring...that by and large can't go.

Justdoit, credit where it's due. No doubt he can get people offside and I've certainly not seen eye to eye with Mouse over the years, I'm sure he thinks I'm a dickhead, & so I'm no 'lets go out to dinner' mate of his by any means....but nobody could ever deny the bloke's talent. I've heard a lot of people say his biggest hurdle is that he tries to do 10 things at once...and despite the fact that he damned near succeeds at doing so he spreads himself too thinly and so never quite gets the 'i's dotted and the 't's crossed. I'd agree with that. If for example he were to instead just zero in on one activity, such as Training alone, then I'm sure he would simply blow his opposition away. Daylight 2nd. I wish I had a quarter of the energy that he must have.