There is no doubt that there is more skill needed to train and drive square trotters (balance, shoeing and the patience of Jobe) than pacers . There was a time when it was said that if you didn't have square trotters in your stable then that was one less race you could win at a meeting. Trotters need to be fostered. Victoria did this back in about the 1970's (from memory). NSW have tried but not with the success that Vic has had. There is nothing nicer to watch than a field of nice trotters in a race. Sure when they gallop and are spread out it's a bit ordinary but pacers who have hopples on to keep them pacing also gallop and split fields.

Young trotters need the education at stands as young horses as mobile racing can fire them up, it can be hard to get the to settle and stand if all they have is mobile racing at a young age.