Young Miss Triple had some homework this evening where she had to find words that sound exactly the same but had two or more meanings.
I came up with Rain/Reign/Rein.
Mrs. Triple, very much a non horse person & equine tolerator at best, immediately took a stand against the latter of the 3 (rein) claiming it was not a word...that I had made it up.
Despite both Miss Triple and myself explaining that it was in fact a word and giving a clear example of exactly what it was and how it was spelt, not only would Mrs. Triple not be convinced but she backed her play and bet Miss Triple $10 that such a word did not exist.
This is the sort of thing that us poor horse enthusiasts have to deal with folks.
Anyway, a couple of minutes later & we're on the PC & a quick zap over to the printer and hey presto...a print out of the word-a definition-and accompanying picture for use as visual aid. Mrs. Triple does her $10 cold. Miss Triple scores the cash BUT...despite some not inconsiderable assistance from yours truly, very much in true XX chromosome fashion she does not wish to whack it up with poor old Dad and so spare him the effort of having to search around in the centre column of the car to get enough change to buy a Trotguide on Thursday. When it suits them they're damned hard cases these females. The centre column's bare of course but I think there may be a few coins hidden under the floor mat on the passenger side. Fingers crossed.