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Got something to sell or are you looking to buy something - do it here. Racing related only please
STILL AVAILABLE Live or Die filly out of Smooth Idol. Artsplace filly out of Urunalong Issy. All in tip top condition Ring Mark 0412490021.
Hey, I am after a Set of Pull down Blocks ... I have looked on the Trading Ring & all the Equipment sales that are up there people have already sold there pull down blocks... If anyone has a Pair of *Pull Down Blocks* - can you please let me...
I need to know the going rate for getting a young one broken and gaited up in NSW please if anyone can help. Thanking you in advance. Greg Hando.
WEONA SASSY 13YO Broodmare in foal to sensational USA sire prospect Rock N Roll Heaven. Weona Sassy is by the 4 times world's leading sire and champion broodmare sire ABERCROMBIE from the NSW Broodmare of the Year WEONA JEWEL. She is a...
The last horse I sold on here has gone on to do a very good job for the new connections and I wish them well ... We now have another 5 yo nz gelding also a winner in 157 this horse is also a last start tabcorp park Melton winner assessed only a c4...
Mares by a variety of broodmare sires such as Falcon Seelster, Sokys Atom, Whats Next, Presidential Ball and in foal to top line stallions such as Art Major, American Ideal, Sportswriter, Four Starzzz Shark and Grinfromeartoear. All from excellent...
Arriving in Australia as a ten start maiden this horse burst onto the scene with 2 emphatic victories was then luckless at his next three runs in strong company and was a last start winner when three wide the trip in 156.9 untouched . He is sound...
Sold ! For Sale good strong well gaited Lombo Pocket Watch colt. Was being prepared at Menangle for the December Ready To Run Sale, but only on 2nd prep so not quite ready for this sale. From good maternal family. Can be vetted or trialed...
For Sale good strong well gaited Artsplace colt. Was being prepared at Menangle for the December Ready To Run Sale, but only on 3rd prep so not quite ready for this sale. From good maternal family of Courage Under Fire. Typical of the Courage...
For Sale good strong well gaited American Ideal colt. Was being prepared at Menangle for the December Ready To Run Sale, but only on 2nd prep so not quite ready for this sale. From good maternal family. His 1/2 brother Drawing Away has won 5...
I have 2 services to Live or Die that I am not intending to use this season. Im prepared to sell them at 20% below advertised price ie.$3200 + gst Pls call me on 0412 156 899 or email to harshell@bigpond.com if you are interested.
Glider/Jog Gig 26" spoked wheels with tyres,coil spring suspension, stainless steel shafts. Good condition $850 o.n.o. Located Parkes NSW PH-0268623517
G'day all, Got a nice Classic Garry mare we'd like to place on a free breeding lease for a season or two. From the famed Golden Miss family, she's the dam of 2 winners in 2 mins and a piece from 2 foals of racing age, also has a just turned...
Hello. I am new to this forum and would like to first introduce myself. My name is Chris and I have been a avid harness racing enthusiast for nearly 3 decades. I cut my teeth on Illinois harness racing and as such, will always have an extra...
My filly has just broke down and i'm on the look out for a M3 service for the upcomming season, so if anyone come's across someone who is not going to use there booking to him could they please let me know. CHEERS MANGO
I just come across this add on the trading ring, Lika Flight 1:57.8 30 starts 6 win's and 8 place's and it goes on to tell you that this is a once in a life time opportunity to purchase a mare like this. As far as i can see yes you would breed to...
34 Looking for somewhere quiet for your yearlings to be perpared. We are looking for a couple of extra horses to prepare for the PGG Yearling sales in 2012. They will be perpared to i high standard in a quiet and safe enviroment....
Iam wanting to know the value of a mare named SOCOTRA she has a Blissfull Hall filly foal at foot and in foal to Aces N Sevens just wondering what people would value her at
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