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Discuss thoroughbred racing here
A feel good story from The Age 23/09/15 http://theage.digitaleditions.com.au/Olive/ODE/ageweb/LandingPage/LandingPage.aspx?href=QUdFLzIwMTUvMDkvMjM.&pageno=MTQ.&entity=QXIwMTUwNQ..&view=ZW50aXR5
I love Melbourne Cup and waiting for 2015 event.
Is this ok here as may be of interest to harness folk as well? If not move it on. http://www.smh.com.au/sport/horseracing/owners-may-sue-trainers-and-vets-over-racings-cobalt-crisis-20150212-13d700.html
http://www.smh.com.au/sport/horseracing/mystery-of-racings-missing-200-million-20150211-13c0u1.html http://www.smh.com.au/sport/horseracing/tvn-delivered-160-million-in-profits-for-clubs-says-rvl-20150210-13azot.html
Just heard that one going around at Toowomba - how did they allow that name LOL
A day at the races Santa came early to son yesterday. Thanks to Kevin, Luke and I headed off to Flemington yesterday. Off to meet one of his racecaller idols Greg Miles. A very excited young man knocked on the door of the commentary box and...
Nothing to do with harness but I always watch the spring racing.........TV coverage excellent , anyway 2 runners in the Cox Plate today Happy Trails cost $11,000. at Adelaide YS & has won over 2 million. The Cleaner cost $10,000 at Tasmania YS &...
http://mobile.news.com.au/sport/superracing/racingnsw-set-new-minimum-bet-guidelines-for-corporate-bookmakers-from-september-1/story-fndpqu3p-1226997815856 Small step in the right direction.
Just learnt that iconic vet Percy Sykes passed away yesterday...drawing to a close an era of thoroughbred history that saw he and master trainer T J Smith form an unbeatable combination that saw TJ win more than 30 Sydney premierships. ...
Today I heard Nick Xenophon calling for a judicial inquiry into the Waterhouse/Singleton mudslinging saga over More Joyous. The only thing that is clear to me is Xenophon can only be compared to the male reproductive organ that hangs between most...
Seems resorting to physical jousting isn't just reserved to the boys...now the girls are at it. Not much changes when you throw two sisters, a whip, a bum and a boy in the mix..it can only and inevitably end in tears. Hope the girls can sort their...
Will this great mare keep winning we need a horse like her in Harness Racing i'll be watching and hoping she keep's going tomorrow
What a night on Inside Horseracing We have new record Setter of most wins ever Dave Palone and HOF trainer Dave Palone on 9PM E.S.T Tune IN Great Interviews!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.ontiltradio.com/insidehorseracing
Come hear a great interview with HOF trainer Larry Jones as he talks about Havre De Grace and BELIEVE You cAN among a lot of other topics SORT Options Ryan Sayer Check out InSide Horse Racing tonight at 9PM EST! Steve sits...
This jockey has cost a lot of clubs, owners and trainers alot of money when he goes out and inspects tracks, why do they get him to do it
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