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Be smart about what links you open Old favourites such as http://www.harness.org.au/racing/fields/race-fields/?mc=BA160519#BAC16051908 http://www.harnesslink.com/Australia/Alford-s-extra-special-birthday ...
Begin by typing a key word or words from the previous post in the Search box on the blue menu bar at the top right of every page. If you find too many matches and you know extra info such as who the poster was or whether the word you're looking...
I was reminded today that the best way to view this forum is to click on NEW POSTS which is on the 2nd toolbar at the top of the page. I had missed out on seeing a couple of posts I did not want to miss and using NEW POSTS would have made sure I...
With ongoing drug scandals in Australia it's important that everybody understands what can and can't be said on a public forum from a legal perspective. A public forum IS NOT the same as chatting to people at the track. Legally it's akin to...
https://www.harness.org.au/racing/fields/race-fields/?mc=MX140924 First of all the pacers: The Stewart stable has 5 in the 4yo C&Gs but this is a fairly open race Do they need to run the 3yo C&Gs as the stable has 8 of the 12 runners - the...
Come on everybody when you see a Super Special run, let us know so we can watch it too
$1.04 $1.04 $1.10 $1.30 $1.80 $1.10 $1.20 $1.20 $1.60 $1.10 $2.00 $1.10 $2.20 $1.40 $1.80 $1.60 $4.20 $1.10 $1.10 $1.50 $1.50 $3.60 $1.40 That is the starting price of Emma Stewart's runners for April in Victoria so far ...
I have chosen this provocative title in the hope of getting the attention of HRV Melton is our premier/metro track Friday night is our 2nd biggest night of the week When you schedule ANY $4,500 races at Melton on a Friday night (even one or...
PP is very suspicious of the Yole stables wins at Cranbourne last night - especially of 'rubber neck' Walters who he thinks is the conductor The stable only contested 3 races and won all three ...
to be continued here .........
Inspired by fellow poster on this Forum Messenger, aka Kevin O'Donoghue who's 40 years following the trots has had him essentially ignore the good old Squaregaiter, i have decided to open a thread dedicated to the Trotters only. As Kev has alluded...
In a little over 9mths Bernie Winkle has won nearly $150,000 at Mildura in a mere 25 races http://www.harness.org.au/racing/fields/race-fields/?mc=ML020221#MLC02022101
To make sure I balance out my negativity, I am starting this thread and I am going to keep it going (with your help I hope). I think I may have started such a thread long ago but this time I want it to flourish. It must not be in place of positive...
Chris Alford is off to a flying start for the season with a 44% winning strike rate from his 34 drives so far http://www.harness.org.au/ausbreed/reports/top20/index.cfm/drivers/default/sort/wins?d=10092018 Especially amazing when his main...
Oh the vagaries of the punt R5 at Maryborough today Somebody(s) must have plonked a bit on the winner No Win No Worries at the jump because he ended up tote favourite and only paid $2.60 so they made $1.60 for every dollar bet. He opened the...
Yes already! R1 at Bendigo tonight sees 7 newbs going around with 3 of them by first season sire The Storm Inside https://www.harness.org.au/racing/fields/race-fields/?mc=BN110124#BNC11012407
Interesting to hear HRV CEO David Martin's comments on the radio earlier this week. Whilst he stated he's still getting his head around race programming, which is fair enough, he did say he was interested in looking into some programming based on a...
https://www.thetrots.com.au/news/articles/who-can-stop-grimson-aiken-to-take-a-shot-in-shepp-cup/ It is a telling maybe even cheeky title if you think about it. Normally it is horses that race that have to be beaten
10yo Whozideawasthis drew 1 last week and was $6.50 when he beat Chicago Bull Last night he drew 12 but stuck to the pegs and beats the champ (last) again and pays $85.80 WA ...
I think these kind of posts often end up in Odds and Ends so I thought I might try giving them their own thread. Quite often they can be covered in the 2yo thread but sometimes it is not a 2yo that you want to highlight such as tonight in Race 4...
Palais du Louvre by Safe and Sound from The Perfect Mona Indulgent by Real Desire from Calories
The Tongue Tie Off Podcast has been going for a couple of months now with myself and Jason Bonnington. We’ve had guests including Mick Stanley, Brittany Graham, and tonight, Dan Mielicki. The format is we do an “intro show” which is a general chat...
https://www.thetrots.com.au/racing/live-trots-vision/ Big news Kev
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