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I think they should plant trees in ALL sprint lanes.
As a complete aside I'm trying to remember that hit by Hot Chocolate.
Happy Birthday Richard hope you have a good day.
Congrats to the mighty NSW Blues on winning the Origin series finally.
it has been 23 years since the late great vinnie knight has been gone
A merry and safe Christmas all. Have good one and 'Go Trigger' on Boxing Day night!! For all new to forum in last couple years, heres link to a Christmas story with a 'standardbred theme' ...
Page 47 todays herald sun. Ballarat trots formguide. Race 2.:D:D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HBsa3B2wwE :rolleyes:
Jaimie, It Ok I am still alive. Just spent a couple of weeks buying a few new cardigans in Thailand as I look for another wife. I am amazes, I fly them over here and in 12 months they are off, with some younger fella like yourself. As...
Hey guys and gals, Been lurking around harnesslink forums for sometime now but havent had the courage to sign up and have some input. We live on a farm and my father has been breeding horses for racing since i was young. Anyway wont bore you with...
:confused: Whats going on in Victoria? Is this Federal politics being mirrored by the state? The bigger question for me is, now that Denis Napthine has been elevated to Premier, who (or what) becomes the Minister for Racing and how effective will...
See the international cycling body has wiped Lance's 7 Tour de France victories from the records.....another grubby cheat who accepted all the accolades whilst cheating his fellow competitors...people who were no doubt busting a gut to try and beat...
Wife, son and me went to see a stage show called War Horse ( http://www.warhorseonstage.com/ ) last night. Can highly recommend it if it comes to a town near you. Got these huge 'puppet' horses with people inside them (not like the old pantomime...
To everyone here on harnesslink and there families i wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS. May you all have a wonderfull day, be safe if driving and don't eat too much lol.
Is there something safe you can paint on timber posts and rails that will stop horses chewing on them? And if so, where would you buy it? Thanks.
Had family Caulfield Cup sweep here today...... First prize = whatever you like Son 1 - I want all the ($&&^%$+) Lego Ninja things I haven't got yet Son 2 -(Lukey) I want to go to the Cox Plate and the...
NSW 1 --vic nil soon to be 2 NIL come 7.20 pm tomorrow. Well done Swan's, Doggie's turn next and Newtown in the NSW Cup.
Went to the races at Alex Park last night, had a great night as usual. Was having a chat with a friend and the conversation drifted somehow to Bill Gates and his obscene fortune. Subjective I know, but we surmised he must have screwed people along...
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