Brian Gath, driver of HOLD THAT GOLD was found guilty of a charge pursuant to AHRR 163(1)(c)(i) which reads “a driver shall not allow the driver’s horse or the sulky or any part thereof shift inside the marker post” with the particulars of the charge being that “after activating removable gear, Mr Gath then directed his drive down the track into a position where the gelding has contacted and raced inside several marker pegs”. In determining penalty, in accordance with the HRV Minimum Penalty Guidelines, Stewards considered Mr Gath’s not guilty plea, the circumstances of this particular incident, with HOLD THAT GOLD gaining ground whilst racing inside several marker pegs, Mr Gath’s good overall record under this rule, relevant penalty precedents, and suspended Mr Gath’s license to drive for a period of two (2) weeks, with the suspension ordered to commence immediately. Mr Gath was advised of his right of appeal.

At a subsequent inquiry, first past the post HOLD THAT GOLD (8) was disqualified in accordance with AHRR 163(5) which reads