I'll go out on a limb here and suggest that Cindy pushed out in accordance with the current rules.
Certainly was pushing out and the outside horse trying to keep her in the out side horse drop's off a bit causing contact from Cindy's cart before she can check back off him.Probably careless driving charge . Adam no sprint lanes in NSW please.
Have whoever you want on but don't ever have yourself on
Cindy Rixon 21 for days causing interference good call i think.
Have whoever you want on but don't ever have yourself on
Bloody stupidity, Nearly runs up the back of the horse in front and then takes the legs out from under the horse on his outside. How about growing some gonads and enforcing the relegation rule for this type of driving.
Doc pleaded guilty, stewards took his clean driving record for the past 12 months into consideration and gave him 10 days...dodgem car racing at its best.
Grrrrrrrrr!!!! Lance done something a little similar in the Trotters race last night. Okay, 10 days is the standard with a good driving record for the last 12 months, How about the offender foots the vets bill for the horse that's had it's legs taken out from under it??? That will never happen and as we heard following the Interdom, There was a distinct possibility that someone might have been sued following the dodgem car tactic's. Relegation is the answer to rough house or illegal driving.
Last edited by Richard prior; 05-03-2014 at 04:18 PM.
There should be no sprint lanes ever in NSW. It bothers me that a racing manager in NSW has suggested it. I know that a handful of "influential" trainers in NSW want them but they're the vocal minority. They do however have your ear : )
First it'll be the 800m tracks then Newcastle and then Menangle using betting turnover figures pulled out of your Khyber to argue the case for their implementation.
The best all round racing in Australia (for betting, entertainment and a true test of the driver) is from Gloucester Park and Menangle, hands down !
QLD and SA racing has gone to the dogs. Victoria, not that long ago the leading Harness Racing state in Australia is now a distant 3rd and the racing in New Zealand is woeful.
Sprint lanes are a failure.