Hi teddy big fan so im glad its you. I read the book you wrote on training and driving and thought it was great, a real insight into your methods. I was wondering you thoughts on racing 2 yearolds, as I think it does more harm than good and stops a lot of horses racing on at 5 and 6 plus. If you look at most horses on the grand circuit they didnt have alot of starts at 2 or their weren't in group races.
Ted, in the Odds and Ends thread on the Australian board someone mentioned seeing your colours on the old TV show The Sullivans but they were not sure if you were on the show too.
Last edited by Messenger; 08-07-2014 at 10:53 PM.
Hello kevin,Yes Charlie Machsheen has been such a great surprise for us.Our first successful horse breeding him ourselves with the Lochheads in New Zealand.
Craig will be taking him on Sunday to train so hopefully he can get a few wins out of him...If not that's OK he is done such a great job for us and brought us many happy times.
Hello Jack,
Yes I like to look after my horses and not over race them as young ones so they can compete when they are older but these days there is so much money around for young horses that I feel you just have to put them into everything to get some decent money.Yes my book tells it exactly how it is from the start.We made it very simple and easy to follow...Glad you liked it.
Hello, Ted, great to see you on the forum and I am sure the members will enjoy you sharing your experiences and knowledge as I am sure your training and driving methods are still as relevant today as they ever were.
By the way I have nearly finished going through all those tapes!
I am sure everyone else would love to relive some of those great horses you won with in Melbourne, both your own and outside drives. I will have to share some of the footage on this forum.
Will catch up with you again soon
Kyle Galley
Hello Kyle, Good to hear from you....
Hi Ted.
You may enjoy watching this but its not horse related. Everyone else may enjoy it too.