Yes, you are totally right. The mare was a late starter and a slow beginner, but a good long distance horse. Her pedigree is a bit oldfashioned, so we prefer young US-stallions.
Her first partner was Ken Warkentin in 2015.
Don't look only at pedigree. It is a necessary but not the only aspect (Sierra Kosmos x french makes we wonder about conformation, mental aspect (bad temper? or loony-toons?), gait and is this a late developer etc)
Yes, you are totally right. The mare was a late starter and a slow beginner, but a good long distance horse. Her pedigree is a bit oldfashioned, so we prefer young US-stallions.
Her first partner was Ken Warkentin in 2015.
Last edited by EuroTrot; 01-12-2016 at 09:37 AM.
Based on what you have said about her so far that sounds like a very good idea in my opinion
You mean the choice of Ken Warkentin. I think Yankee Glide x Sierre Kosmos works good together. A good help was this analysis
Indeed. Sophia Pedigrees is good, too bad German horses are not represented in there. YG x SK has produced two dollar millionaires in Main Wise As + Anders Bluestone so that says something too
Sturla, if you like, what do you think about Hard Livin and Mythical Lindy? We are breeding for ourself and not for selling. I'm thankful for every opinion.
Last edited by Richard prior; 01-13-2016 at 12:05 AM.
It's looks like a nice cross Sturla with Yankee Glide over a Sierra Kosmos mare, I noticed a filly/mare by the name of Keystone Gratitude bred in the same cross and from a nice maternal family(U2) Very surprised she hasn't left anything of note.
Keystone Gratitude has not had any foals from what I know
Hard Livin + Mythical Lindy: both fairly new. ML has a few good ones.
I had a look and Defi d'Aunou has no stock here or in New Zealand Sturla, The European stallions are still a little foreign to some people but after seeing Love You's young ones on the track in our parts, Breeders are starting to take a lot of notice, No the colour has nothing to do with Commander Crowe, Racetrack ability is the big thing and he's also from a very good family.