Danno, I do not know of any feedback you may have received about this thread other than the posts on it. For my part, I decided to investigate the dominance of one trainer, which you suggested was leaving too little for many others to survive. Mine and Lasse's sums showed that Shane Tritton is taking 27% of the pie.

I do not think you were having a dig at Shane but questioning whether his dominance was harmful. I am guessing the reason you did not name Shane was because, as you say, the issue you wished to raise was the possible effect of one trainer dominating a region. Your reference to how some of their runners improve suddenly possibly confused the issue and I think may have been better omitted as it had no real relevance to your topic of discussion.

As it turned out Shane's dominance is greater than what he thought it was but less than what you thought it was.
In doing my sums I did notice, although Shane's was the dominant name, there were other trainers also winning what seemed like a large percentage of races. I wonder whether these few as a collective have the potential to see others give away the game? If I have another day where I am rained in, I may extend my spreadsheet to examine how few trainers are indeed reaping 50% of the spoils at Newcastle.

I do not see anything wrong with your thread. It is not unlike the past debates we have had on this forum regarding the Halls or the Purdon/Rasmussen dominance