Quote Originally Posted by Mighty Atom View Post
Hi Kev,

I am not quite sure what you mean Kev by ''given the game away''. Given up on harness racing or just this forum? If it is the latter I can quite understand that because the forum topics have been bordering on banality at times. I know it is difficult to come up with features all the time that are interesting to everyone but IMO the topics are a little stolid. I know there are forum members out there who are into breeding, horse naming, 2yr old racing, trotters only etc ( harness racing fraternity) but there are also those who aren't interested at all. When I first joined the forum I posted comments that at least stirred up the emotions and plenty of replies but now it has all become rather ho-hum.

Bring back the Biff, I reckon Rod,I loved those stoushes with Triple and a couple of others, they were good for a laugh.