Just reading the weights thread and though I would throw this one in for giving horses more even chances in races. As an analyser we are always thinking of ways to make this fairer. The distance each horse has to run in a race can vary significantly and must be allowed for.
Like an 800m running race mobile and standing starts should be done staggered and remain in lanes for the first bend. Outer horses would start ahead of inner ones. On a track with 7 on the front row they would all be staggered. On the average 800m circumference the stagger distance is roughly 4-5m per m out from the inside. It will be different for each track. The mobile vehicle could be modified to provide the stagger or just have a motorbike lead up the outside horse and make other lanes stay at the head of the driver of the horse in the lane outside.

Horses on the second row would still be at an initial disadvantage but they could be allow to overtake on the outside for the first straight and bend. I would love to see this trialled somewhere.
Lanes can setup in a variety of ways but the simplest would be to rake a small groove when smoothing the track.
The advantage is that the front row get equal opportunity to lead the race without the outside horses needing to use more energy to do so. They also would have more time to find their positions as the don't need to move in until the first bend finishes. It would be a point of difference in the racing and would make it an interesting start to watch. Like watching the 200m at the Olympics, you won't know who is going to lead the race until the end of the first bend.