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Thread: NSW Industry wins Race Fields Legislation Case

  1. #31
    Senior Member Horse Of The Year broncobrad has a spectacular aura about
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    Brad Leach
    Northern Rivers
    Quote Originally Posted by David Summers View Post
    Betfair must have used this BS Generator liberally to write this crap
    Spot on David, spin, spin and more spin. Boo bloody hoo, sob bloody sob. Parasites. "Cost six times more to operate, turnover over tax reduces competition and wont help the punter." Well if it is all too much then bugger off. Not bloody likely, PARASITES. Anyone expect them to move business out of NSW. Ooh, scared.

    Who writes this shit and how gullible do they think we are?

  2. #32
    Super Moderator Horse Of The Year David Summers will become famous soon enough David Summers's Avatar
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    David Summers
    I never have and never would invest even 10 cents with Betfair. If it is all too hard for them to survive then leave Australia altogether. If they stay ( which I have no doubt they will and still operate on NSW races despite all Betfair's utter crap statements throughout all this ) , then I will be pleased that at least the NSW racing industry will benefit. If they can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen.

    How much are they going to squeal ( and continue with their non-stop BS spin again) when ALL the other states follow NSW's lead over the next year.

    Betfair , your cheap ride is OVER!!
    Last edited by David Summers; 04-05-2012 at 08:59 PM.

  3. #33
    Senior Member 3YO 2minuteman will become famous soon enough
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    Ron James
    Chain Valley Bay,NSW
    General Gadfly
    Quote Originally Posted by David Summers View Post
    Betfair must have used this BS Generator liberally to write this crap
    "In fact at certain levels a revenue fee will return more to the racing industry than a turnover based system."
    In fact at all levels someone is a dribbler.How on God's earth can revenue (assuming that revenue is a metaphor for profit) exceed turnover given that the % takeout is the same for both???

  4. #34
    Banned Filly little fish will become famous soon enough
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    "Betfair customers understand that our product differs significantly from that of a traditional bookmaker and the totes, providing innovative ways of engaging with wagering and racing and a new value proposition that provides an incremental benefit to the punter and therefore to racing."

    Shouldn't the last bit read "benefit to punter but NOT to racing"?

    These corporate parasites really do know how to talk sh.t when it suits don't they.

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by little fish View Post
    "Betfair customers understand that our product differs significantly from that of a traditional bookmaker and the totes, providing innovative ways of engaging with wagering and racing and a new value proposition that provides an incremental benefit to the punter and therefore to racing."

    Shouldn't the last bit read "benefit to punter but NOT to racing"?

    These corporate parasites really do know how to talk sh.t when it suits don't they.
    There still is 'some' benefit to racing. Other corporates or rails bookies lay off to betfair.
    Now where is the benefit there I hear you say.
    Well, since the inception of betfair the 'courage' of bookies increased, allowing larger bets which bookies can then lay off on betfair. Remembering Racing gets a slice of those larger bets - which without Betfair in place may not have been taken in the first place.
    Of course that is more relevant to the thoroughbred racing with the big bets but point stands.

  6. #36
    Senior Member Stallion Triple V will become famous soon enough Triple V's Avatar
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    Jaimie Varcoe
    Sydney, NSW
    Following in the footsteps of former NSW PM. Bob 'See ya folks, I'm off to work at Maquarie Bank' Carr, old mate Karl Bitar jumped off the foundering Labor Party ship and went to work for Crown Casino so there's a proud tradition to be upheld. Perhaps we've inadvertently gone & worked out the answer to the burning question....where their dear old mate, Mark Habib, is heading? Could it possibly be...Betfair?

    That would see the unholiest of unholy Sussex St. Triumvirates back together in all of its gorey glory.
    Sen. Bob in the Nation's Capital, Crown Casino Lobbyist Karl & Markey Mark in a big chair at Betfair. Whacko The Chook! It would be on for young and old!

    If it comes to pass you'd also have to wonder how long it will be before Richo gives up the Sky News channel pre-cursor to Paul Murray Live, fires a bucket-load of ol' Grecian 2000 into his remaining thin, grey thatch and goes to work for...Paddy Power?

    Inquiring minds would like to know. (with thanks to Luca Derrico).

  7. #37
    Member Gelding doncht will become famous soon enough
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    Don Chet
    That would see the unholiest of unholy Sussex St. Triumvirates back together in all of its gorey glory.
    Sen. Bob in the Nation's Capital, Crown Casino Lobbyist Karl & Markey Mark in a big chair at Betfair. Whacko The Chook! It would be on for young and old!
    Well said. I think that was just bound to happen.

  8. #38
    Super Moderator Stallion Messenger will become famous soon enough Messenger's Avatar
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    Kevin O'Donoghue
    The Gap
    A long, long time ago
    Don Chet is an acronym

    Does old not Current, he's extra terrestial.

    Have a good Christmas Don
    per un PUGNO di DOLLARI

  9. #39
    Senior Member 4YO brent_L will become famous soon enough
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    Brent Lambert
    Castle Hill Sydney
    He broke out of the asylum again late last night.

  10. #40
    Member Filly kung fu man will become famous soon enough
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    warren tuckwell
    Hopefully it can be used to get rid of 3000 and 4000 dollar races in NSW ,oh well plenty of trainers in Victoria

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