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Thread: Four former Racing Queensland board execs pocket $1.8mil

  1. #1
    Senior Member Stallion Triple V will become famous soon enough Triple V's Avatar
    Real Name
    Jaimie Varcoe
    Sydney, NSW

    Thumbs down Four former Racing Queensland board execs pocket $1.8mil

    BRISBANE, July 10 AAP- Four former Racing Queensland board

    executives pocketed more than $1.8 million when they resigned after

    the state election, an auditor-general's report has found.

    The report, tabled in state parliament on Tuesday, says a clause

    added to their contracts in August last year ensured they received

    a 30 per cent salary increase.

    It says Malcolm Tuttle, Jamie Orchard, Paul Brennan and Shara

    Reid were paid a total of $1.8 million when they resigned from the

    board, two days after the Labor government lost the state election

    in March.

    The payouts included 14 months' salary, redundancy payments and

    their statutory leave entitlements.

    Racing Minister Steve Dickson says the report raises serious


    "There can be no doubt that the (Racing Queensland) board put in

    place extraordinarily favourable employment arrangements that

    delivered these executives the sweetheart deal of the century," Mr

    Dickson said in a statement.

    "At a time when the racing industry was on its knees this money

    could have been used in any number of ways."

    AAP peb/bart/was


    Typical Labor Party largess. Do as I say, not as I do.
    At least they got the arse and good riddance. Fingers crossed the Bastards will be in the political wilderness for 20 years at both State & Federal level. Their dastardly deeds are numerous & heinous in nature. What an absolute bloody disgrace.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Horse Of The Year broncobrad has a spectacular aura about
    Real Name
    Brad Leach
    Northern Rivers
    Here is an update in todays this stage these blokes haven't quite escaped with the crown jewels.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Horse Of The Year broncobrad has a spectacular aura about
    Real Name
    Brad Leach
    Northern Rivers
    The coronial inquiry continues into the attempted murder of the Qld racing industry by former this rate charges may well be levelled at those who have done wrong, just before they expire from old age themselves. Still, it hasn't been swept over by Campbells gov't, indeed they appear to be prepared to widen the scope of inquiry to get some justice.

  4. #4
    Senior Member 3YO 2minuteman will become famous soon enough
    Real Name
    Ron James
    Chain Valley Bay,NSW
    General Gadfly
    At least they got the arse and good riddance. Fingers crossed the Bastards will be in the political wilderness for 20 years at both State & Federal level. Their dastardly deeds are numerous & heinous in nature. What an absolute bloody disgrace. [/QUOTE]
    I got chipped for having a sly go at the powers that be using oblique references because my comments were not strictly referring to Harness Racing matters.
    How do the quoted comments refer to harness racing matters? Different strokes for different folks?
    I reckon.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Horse Of The Year teecee has a spectacular aura about teecee's Avatar
    Real Name
    Tony Cahill
    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by 2minuteman View Post
    At least they got the arse and good riddance. Fingers crossed the Bastards will be in the political wilderness for 20 years at both State & Federal level. Their dastardly deeds are numerous & heinous in nature. What an absolute bloody disgrace.
    I got chipped for having a sly go at the powers that be using oblique references because my comments were not strictly referring to Harness Racing matters.
    How do the quoted comments refer to harness racing matters? Different strokes for different folks?
    I reckon.[/QUOTE]

    Clearly the quoted comments refer to issues with harness racing when those that are being discussed in this very old post were those providing funding and governance of the harness racing in Queensland at the time.
    Your reference to this old posting as related to what you may have posted and their relationship is clearly mischievous!!

  6. #6
    Senior Member 3YO 2minuteman will become famous soon enough
    Real Name
    Ron James
    Chain Valley Bay,NSW
    General Gadfly
    Clearly the quoted comments refer to issues with harness racing when those that are being discussed in this very old post were those providing funding and governance of the harness racing in Queensland at the time.
    Your reference to this old posting as related to what you may have posted and their relationship is clearly mischievous!![/QUOTE]
    I beg to dis-agree.The comments made were a blatant political tirade and at no point did they make reference to harness
    racing.I stick to different strokes etc. but I promise to be a good boy in future and not criticize.(anyone).

  7. #7
    Senior Member Stallion Danno is a jewel in the rough
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    Dan Gibson
    Hunter Valley NSW Australia
    Driving 175:1 winners!
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    How mischevious of you Ron!!
    Surely you have been an active member of this forum for long enough to KNOW there are different strokes for (very) different folks without having to open old wounds and actually ask the question!!!!!
    best to let sleeping dogs lie, I reckon, especially the dogs I'm thinking of.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Stallion Triple V will become famous soon enough Triple V's Avatar
    Real Name
    Jaimie Varcoe
    Sydney, NSW
    Geeze....the Labor Trolls really get around eh?

  9. #9
    Senior Member Stallion Danno is a jewel in the rough
    Real Name
    Dan Gibson
    Hunter Valley NSW Australia
    Driving 175:1 winners!
    No Stars
    As usual, half right,if the fog ever lifts, who knows? he might end up getting better than 50% in his next test.

  10. #10
    Senior Member 3YO 2minuteman will become famous soon enough
    Real Name
    Ron James
    Chain Valley Bay,NSW
    General Gadfly
    Quote Originally Posted by Triple V View Post
    Geeze....the Labor Trolls really get around eh?
    This comment is of course directly related to Harness Racing,HA HA HA.

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