Today I heard Nick Xenophon calling for a judicial inquiry into the Waterhouse/Singleton mudslinging saga over More Joyous. The only thing that is clear to me is Xenophon can only be compared to the male reproductive organ that hangs between most male species hind legs.

A quick telegram from Ben Sarina to John Singleton might have him back peddling backwards quicker than Lance Armstrong was in his last days before he was confirmed as the greatest cheat that walked. Under Rule 187 (2) young Ben was found guilty when he chose not to be forthright with stewards and to this day remains suspended indefinitely. Now I don't know much about the rules of thoroughbred racing but Singleton could find himself in a bit of bother if he also chooses to be elusive or reticent in being forthright with his claims. Seems to me he may have backed himself into a corner.

Xenophon appeared unconvinced a stewards panel had the ability to properly investigate and prosecute a case...telegram to Nick, Murrihy was on the panel that put young Ben on ice. My head just shakes in disbelief when some of these morons who have been elected by poor deluded souls continue to prove they have no right to be in a position of power.