to brent l and toohard, do your home work lads...get into the archives and go back to 1990 when she was first 'pinged' and started this long drama ....then move on to 2006,harness racing victoria, hard to do lads, should`nt be,i`m a dottery old 67 year old and i did... then move on to may 2009, herald sun.ellen whinnet...then go to june 2009 to the bleeding heart editorial in harnesslink by duane ranger, headlined," AUSTRALIA WON`T STOP PUNISHING GAITA : WHY" the whole editorial...gaita pullicino is a doper,may 2009 herald sun, she has stretched the conformity of the rules and regs. of HRV to limit, and its for this reason that i as a passionate believer in this industry,if it can be cleaned up by getting the likes of her,then i say to the control boards of all states.....go get e`m......
