why do the media in this country continually bombard us with bull---- about so called champions?last week we heard about the latest in a long line of these pretenders namely philidelphia man,all week we heard and read about what he was going to do to a country cup field at shepparton,he started at false and prohibitive odds and was a major disappointment to all that been sucked into the hype.a hype created by certain members of the media who are irresponsible and dumb.think about what real champions have done,think about the likes of cardigan bay,halwes,hondo grattan, pure steel,paleface adios,gammalite, popular alm,village kid,preaux chevalier,blacks a fake etc.i am sure if the people who write or broadcast this crap have no idea what a criteria entails to qualify horses to such lofty heights.there is only one horse in the vic cup tonight who has any claim to such a moniker and it is not philly man.