I get where you are coming from. Anybody from any background reading this must surely wonder..
IMO if previous history is to be a mitigating factor then previous convictions must be an aggravating factor no matter the timeline.
IMO this is not one of RIU proudest moments. Their penalty recommendation (which the committee virtually tore up after demanding where they (RIU) were coming from has already drawn flak with their investigators in this matter advised to not to use this case in their CV's. I do note the JCA not following the RIU down the same path re recommendations. I just wish they were more consistent with the Dalgety case. Being consistent is all.
Having full and comprehensive decisions published like this does give us an insight into this unsavoury aspect of our industry.
I look forward to Australia inquiries being similarly comprehensively published as more than a one paragraph media release. That is until they follow NZ with an independent judiciary.!!!!! That can't happen of course until Australia has a bill of rights for all its citizens.

Dan I get your point about PMs. you are not the only one "just wondering / asking".