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Thread: HRNSW Strategic Plan

  1. #1
    Member Gelding Sofoulis will become famous soon enough
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    Adam Sofoulis
    Pen pusher
    Yayas Hot Spot, Eh Ef El, Summertime Liz

    HRNSW Strategic Plan

    I saw HRNSW released its strategic plan yesterday.

    I feel it touched on a number of important areas, albeit it was light on for detail (i.e. "savvy promotion to show the affordability of Standardbreds and try to lure new owners to industry through syndications and partnerships" is just too general for me).

    I do feel that it demonstrated little regard for one of the critical issues that has been mentioned on the forum before: handicapping, programming and field selections. I am becoming increasingly frustrated with the lack of control trainers/owners have in placing their horse and the lack of certainty around race programs. The report effectively reads as though the new handicapping system was implemented successfully and now just needs to be tinkered with ("optimised"). My view is that there are wholesale changes required where standardized race programs (i.e. 2yo, 3yo, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4+ races) should be set so that class actually means something rather than handicappers deciding where / when / who you race based on their views of form - this type of subjective field selection should only be utilised when splitting nominations of same-class horses for the same race.

    I am interested in what everyone's thoughts are?

  2. #2
    Member Gelding Sofoulis will become famous soon enough
    Real Name
    Adam Sofoulis
    Pen pusher
    Yayas Hot Spot, Eh Ef El, Summertime Liz
    This is the link to the strategic plan:

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Stallion Messenger will become famous soon enough Messenger's Avatar
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    Kevin O'Donoghue
    The Gap
    A long, long time ago
    I have only read the summary for now Adam but I am worried that they did not designate what we used to call 'a crap detector' for the title and the 2nd goal are a dog's breakfast:

    ‘A Pathway for the Future through the Unification of Strengths.’

    To achieve an increase in our recognition across the community and participation of Owners, Licencees, On-course attendances and visitors (I know I am an ex-chalky but that does not read correctly)
    per un PUGNO di DOLLARI

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