Quote Originally Posted by triplev123 View Post
The most impressive horse I've seen since Christian Cullen at his best.
Wow thats a huge call VVV, theres been some fair horses since the great Kiwi.

This is in no way meant to denegreate the horse in any way, and he can't do any more than he's done to date, but like all champion juvenile performers the test will come when he faces open Grand Circuit company. We've had some wonderful youngsters that haven't gone it with it as older horses, for a whole variety of reasons but it would be great to see this horse make the jump to open grade.

Either way the battles with Excel Stride in the 4 Yr Old features this season should make for epic viewing, if Excel Stride draws to land in front of Sushi Sushi we could have a different result. Will be a relief to see the actual racing generate some headlines for the sport, instead of al; this negaive publicity. I'm a huge fan of the sport but there doesn't seem to be too many left...
