Have never had anything to do with his progeny before yet the past 1.5 years have worked with 3.

All were light bays and big horses (2 were 16+ hands, 1 was 17+ hands). They all had a slightly bulged foreheads. All had very large heads!! They also all had two white hind socks, 2 out of the 3 would kick anything to smithereens in the paddock and they were all nice horses, to the point of being a little sooky.

2 were sit sprinters (and had very good sprints) and while the third was a better stayer he could sprint OK too.

None of them could take anywork and all raced better a bit fresh.

Have I just described the typical Christian Cullen, or have the 3 I've worked with just been co-incidently similar? Had me curious, would love to know. Thought the Kiwis would know better