So whats everbodys opinion of this mans pushout technique which is an obvious habit?

Apparently after a lengthy inquiry with stewards he has been cleared to drive Fri, but you cant tell me when he pushed Dasher VC out of the way, that that horse wasnt travelling well.
Dasher wasnt struggling, he wasnt under the whip, and yet Hall pushes him out of the way, checks and contacts the horses legs with his sulky, causes it to skip/gallop for a stride or 2, Dasher loses 2 lengths at least and instead of running maybe a closeish 2nd or 3rd??? he runs 5th, costing him prizemoney costing him ID points, and MORE IMPORTANTLY potentially injuring a damn good horse.
If that doesnt deserve a holiday ill go jump.
If you havent already got the idea, i dont like the guy.
Yes he was on the favourite and he had to do his best to win for the owners and punters, but its how you do it. Did Anthony Butt push out and interfere with any horse last week on Raglan when he stayed in and got boxed in, no, did he win, no, did he maintain his credibilty, yes.