Many of the older generation will recall the night of the 1960 Inter Dominion. So much has been written about it and events leading up to the race, record crowd, handicap, and the number of attempts Caduceus had at winning the race.
I am trying to find out if there remains much interest to this day. It is gratifying to see there remains the name through the Caduceus Clubs that do such a good job of promoting harness racing.
It was my Father's ambition to own race horses, he even said he'd have a horse before he'd own a car and Caduceus was the big thrill.
As for the trophy itself, it has remained in seclusion for 50 years and was handed down to me a number for years ago. What would it be worth today as a collector's item?
I am going to try selling the cup soon, so that will be interesting to see to say the least.