Just been going through the 2011/12 season Sires/Mares Fertility Stats, now being shown in a revamped format which offers a much clearer picture.

7,370 mares were served in Australia in the 2010/11 season.

5,610 reported as being In Foal. (76.12%)
Given the widespread use of semen transport in Australia, the fact that a shade better than 3/4's of all mares served in 2010/11 came up Positive is pretty damned good.
If we could get that PTIF figure up to or over 80% Nationally then that's pretty much as good as it could ever possibly get.

Of those 5,610 mares reported as being In Foal, 4,787 went on to produce a Live Foal in 2011/12, with some 823 pregnancies falling by the wayside.

To look at it another way, 14.7% of all the mares intially reported as being In Foal in 2010/11 failed to produce a Live Foal in 2011/12. My initial reaction to this is that is a close on 15% loss is just too high.

2011/12 Live Foals produced expressed as a % of all mares served in 2010/11 = 64.95%

2011/12 Live Foals expressed as a % of all mares reported PTIF in 2010/11= 85.30%

The next step for these figures insofar as ongoing development is concerned is to display a breakdown of the mares served on farm Vs mares served via semen for each stallion & with them the PTIF%'s achieved for each.
This information is of course already available, HRA knowns exactly which horses were the result of semen transport and which were on-farm products. It just has to be incorporated in the report.