Outstanding 4yo For A Reason will return to the trial track next week

by Chris Barsby

Freakish; For A Reason is set to return and the Chariots Of Fire is the main target. Photo by Corey Pearce.
One of Australia’s most exciting pacers is set to resume.
Boom 4yo For A Reason is expected to return to the trial track at Albion Park next Tuesday for his trainer/driver Luke McCarthy.
For A Reason, voted the Australian 3yo Pacer of the Year last season after collecting four Derby’s is being aimed specifically at the Gr.1 $200,000 Chariots Of Fire at TABCORP Park, Menangle on April 30.
The Art Major entire has not raced since scoring a decisive victory in the Gr.1 $100,000 Queensland Derby at AlbionPark on July 10.
And his trainer is predicting his ‘new look’ appearance will surprise even his most loyal fans upon his return.
“Frank is a ball of muscle; I think he has grown another two hands since his last start and he really thickened up over the areas that I wanted him too,” Luke McCarthy stated.
“I gave him a good break of six weeks straight after the Derby but ever since I have had him in and out of work because I didn’t want him coming back big and heavy,”
“He’s done plenty of work on the track plus he has done plenty of swimming and the results of that work will be evident when he steps out next week, he looks absolutely fantastic and he’s a real big lad now.”
McCarthy has outlined that his 4yo term will be quite light as he prepares for a career on the Grand Circuit stage next season.
“Realistically, there isn’t too much around for him this season but that gives me a chance to look after him and prep him for the Grand Circuit races next season,”
“The Chariots is the race I really want for him this campaign and then I will concentrate on the Brisbane Winter Carnival later this season.”
McCarthy is also looking at the bigger picture with his $300,000 plus earner and is very mindful of what races he targets.
Obviously he is going to be a stallion long term, he’s got a great pedigree with matching good looks and hopefully we can keep building on his record in a good way.”
“He will probably have a couple trials and then we will build up for the Chariots, he’s likely to return to the races officially by the end of this month.”
The return of For A Reason could easily coincide with impending marriage of McCarthy and his long-time partner Belinda Lamb who also co-owns the star pacer.
The young couple will tie the knot at the end of this month in Sydney.
For A Reason is raced by leading thoroughbred trainer Alan Bailey plus Ken McDonald and Belinda Lamb.

they have a seriously warped view of the horse, won 2 derbies but has nowhere near the pedigree for a stallion or the racetrack performance

id rather send a mare to sir lincoln if i was forced to pick one from that year