It's worth noting that the very substance that not so long ago Harness Racing Administrators across Australia got themselves in a big knicker knot about...tranexamic acid (Cyclokapron) about to be trialled in VIC by Ambulance Paramedics specifically for use in trauma patients who have been injured in road accidents in order to prevent or greatly reduce internal bleeding and blood clots travelling throughout the circulatory system.
The single biggest animal health & welfare issue we face in Horse Racing is EIPH (Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage) and yet, while it's considered to be a good thing for this drug to be given to human car crash victims in order to reduce the loss of life...we can't give it to our race horses in order to totally prevent or at the very least greatly reduce the incidence of them bleeding into the lungs & upper airways during a race. Insane, absolutely %$#!ing insane.