Being the statistics nut that I am. For the last 6wks I have started monitoring the Melton Metro TAB pools and I will report any findings/patterns when I have a bigger sample.

I am simply recording the Win, Place, Tri and Four pools (rounded to the nearest $k) along with the type of race (gait and class), field size, Fri or Sat, and whether the Fave was odds on.

However as I find anything UNUSUAL along the way, I thought I would post it in here while the meet was fresh in people's minds in case someone can throw any light on what I think to be an anomaly

Here is the first somewhat strange one.

The first race on the program often has good pools and I figure this is a result of catching some gallops punters not wanting to stop
But the first race at Melton on Saturday evening was OUTSTANDING

It was only a Career class Pacing race with a field of 11 and an Odds On Fav who won
The aprox pools were 32 Win, 6 Place, 10 Tri, 4 Four (52ish Total)

To illustrate how good this was I will provide the next best
Race 6 had 18 Win, 7 place, 4 Tri, 2 Four (31ish Total)!/nsw/racin.../1/14-Mar-2015

I suspect this race must have been hot on the heels of a big Melbourne or Sydney gallops race - maybe I will have to rummage through the recycling bin to find the racing form guide.
Getting The Age I do not have a trots form guide.
Anyone know what time the 1st was run on Saturday at Melton?