Is it about time the Stewards stopped looking like mugs and acted more sternly with transferring horse from a disqualified or soon to be disqualified
Trainer into a friend or relatives name and training them from the same yard? The latest example, Craig Cross. I admit I don't know much about him but why is he all of a sudden a genius Trainer training all the recent winners he has been accredited to? Everyone including Stewards know what the situation is but turn a blind eye. The defending argument being manipulation of the rules and regulations and 'Democratic Rights'. Another example that bothers me is Karen Crouch. While Pizzutto was sidelined, she was the 'accomplished' Trainer given responsibility to train his horses but as soon as he returns from suspension/disqualification she is nowhere to be seen.
Are the Stewards going to tell us that these stand in Trainers make all the decisions in the day to day training of these horse and advise the Drivers how they want their horses driven? We all know the answer which is that the disqualified Trainer has all the input and the 'new' Trainer's name is just a smoke screen.
Please, Stewards, do something about this and maybe the disruption of having to move horses to a bona fide Trainer and new yard will be a deterrent that tidies up this sport