Ummm, I am no equine vet but I have more than done my bit in keeping their interest in the latest model Mercedes-Benz over the years.

I note Ride High had a veterinary examination after the race - not that you would know because the stewards report has not appeared on the HRA website even though the report for yesterday's Cranbourne meeting has. My Mercedes-financing, hard earnt and harder spent veterinary knowledge would suggest the horse would have shown some sign of lameness post-race, especially once it had cooled down and before it left the course. I find the explanation given in the HRV sponsored and sourced media article inconsistent with the experience I and many other participants have had with this type of injury.

Quote of the year nominee Clayton Tonkin said "we knew something wasn't right the other night". No kidding Sherlock!

The words minor an suspensory are rarely seen in the same sentence; I doubt any decent equine vet has ever been guilty of mixing the two.

More than anything, this rent-a-quote reporting is symptomatic of the industry funded media and leaves you longing for the independent, quality thinking and questioning minds of the likes of Richard Trembath and Bob Cain. I've been around the trots long enough to know if you accept something on face value make sure you are looking at the face!