Quote Originally Posted by Messenger View Post
To do with above

Stewards inquired into an incident passing the 1300m where after taking evidence from drivers Kate Gath (Come Say Hi), Jack Laugher (Relentless Me) and review of the available replays it was established that Relentless Me was initially directed inwards when sufficiently clear of Come Say Hi and when shifting down to fully occupy the position following Interject, Come Say Hi continued to improve forward with momentum and when racing marginally to the inside of Relentless Me was tightened as that runner continued to shift inwards resulting in Come Say Hi racing inside the line of marker pegs prior to Relentless Me being directed outwards. In view of the circumstances Stewards were satisfied neither driver was at fault and took the matter no further.


Just watched it again and I call BS
Relentless Me was coming down and Kate Gath put her horse where there was no room for her cart to follow - she is lucky Jack didn't simply take Relentless Me's front legs out
Did you see the head on footage? - may possibly change your opinion. The boys on TrotsVision covered it Saturday night