When I checked the on-line catalogue for this sale last week I noticed two glaring omissions - lack of names for supposedly named horses and no vendors listed for individual lots. Sure, you could do your own searches to try and figure out who was who in the zoo but cataloguing is a prime responsibility of the sales company. It would appear the company has failed its vendors initially. I haven't checked to see if this has been rectified but the company should be embarrassed by this. I noted that lot 82 featured a photo of Sirletic but the catalog did not give the name of the horse being put up for sale. The pedigree gave the sire and dam, a search on the HRA website showed the dam had only one progeny by RockN Roll Hanover - Sirletic.

Applying the Cheech and Chong methodology one could assume the horse being sold was indeed Sirletic. Given the oversights in the catalogue I mentioned though, you would want to establish this as fact before you bothered to register a bid.