Quote Originally Posted by aussiebreno View Post

I do apologise to you Brendan .

When I used the term SOLE I should have remembered that there would be people like your self who like to make them selves look clever ( only it has the opposite effect) and would target a obvious figure of speech to try and deflect away from the truth , That being that it is certainly the MAIN (is that better Brendan) topic of conversation going on around the tracks.

I'm sure if you continued to bet 1 1/2 points over on as good a thing as quinny was you will go broke.

As for !!!!!!!!!! do you really need that pointed out to you ??

Well seem I was banned for it I don't think it is an unreasonable request.

P.S I have not mentioned any trainers name in my post ,but everyone else seems happy to do so
Lol if you were trolling but sadly you are serious. Who trains Lettucerocku, Artifactor, Lilac Stride etc who you have mentioned.
If the WA Cup market was serious (eg 120%) ITMQ would have been close to $4 and Feelgood close to $1.60. Can't argue with that.
Now I'm not saying I've never accused or thought person A is using something...but this kind of rubbish on the forum of late I will take no part in. As disgusting as proven drug cheats are and the pain they cause the industry I truly do feel sorry for you that your life revolves around spamming a forum with nonsense about someone you suspect is a drug cheat.