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Thread: Help pls.....

  1. #1
    Junior Member Foal Dazzo will become famous soon enough Dazzo's Avatar
    Real Name
    Darren Bradley
    Trainer / Driver

    Help pls.....

    Hi, I need some help....

    9yo classy mare, recently developed an issue where at the track refuses to move, from the parade ring to the track, and in the score up wont circle and move up.

    Now she does have an issue with constantly appearing to be in season and have started her on regumate, but continues to spray and shows sign of being in season.

    Today refused to score up after managing to get her to the start, but I believe it's becoming a habit.

    I will add the Clark of the course couldn't drag her on, nor would a tap of two with the whip.
    She has had 70 starts and developed this this season....

    Please any help will be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Senior Member 3YO strong persuader has a spectacular aura about strong persuader's Avatar
    Real Name
    Phil Bourke
    Blayney, NSW, Australia
    Not sure that it will help you but my daughter has a stock horse mare that was a little similar, i.e. if you put her over a jump, she was likely to land and turn into a saddle bronc as she did land. Diagnosed her to be having trouble ovulating, and in her case, a staple in her ear on an accupressure point did the trick. Talk to your vet as it was ours that suggested it, only cost $70 approx and that staple is still there and working even though it must nearly be 5 years since it was put in.
    Warning: Horses are expensive, addictive, and may impair the ability to use common sense.

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