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Thread: Should I buy a paint horse?

  1. #1
    Junior Member Foal Alfie78 will become famous soon enough
    Real Name
    Alfie Stewart

    Should I buy a paint horse?

    I am newbie here..hi!

    So me and my family are looking for a horse for me. Iv ridden 2 1/2 years about 2-3 times a week, under the instruction of my trainer.
    I'm a intermediate rider, w/t/c and can jump 2'6. I'm working on cross country and can do 18in - 2'3 out in the field. I also focus in dressage so my flat work is very good. I am currently riding a 16.1 hh thoroughbred who is 7 and retired from the race track. He is green and has his baby moments a lot. That includes.. Spooking, bucking, kicking out, bolting, and getting hot and hard to ride and handle.
    Iv learned a lot from him as all the other 20+ lesson horses I rode but I think it's time for my own.

    We found a paint who we are going to be trialling very soon. Are paints good FIRST horse breed? This paint is 16.1-16.2 hands tall. He has show experience, has been used in a therapeutic riding program, can go outside and has been schooled 3ft.

    Does this paint sound good? Are paints a good first horse?

    We know all the costs and expenses, where we would keep him (at the barn I ride at now) how much he would get ridden ect..

    Thx in advance!

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Stallion Messenger will become famous soon enough Messenger's Avatar
    Real Name
    Kevin O'Donoghue
    The Gap
    A long, long time ago
    Good luck Alfie. I would be thinking that your trainer should be the perfect person to find the right horse for you
    per un PUGNO di DOLLARI

  3. #3
    Junior Member Foal Alfie78 will become famous soon enough
    Real Name
    Alfie Stewart
    Quote Originally Posted by Messenger View Post
    Good luck Alfie. I would be thinking that your trainer should be the perfect person to find the right horse for you
    Yeah! You are right...I think so.. Thanks!

  4. #4
    Junior Member Foal Histeland85 will become famous soon enough
    Real Name
    Trent Long
    nothing to say but good luck keep your safety and hope you find one now soon

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