Quote Originally Posted by squaregaiter View Post
Has anyone else come across this absolute garbage I am getting when you click on a horse to see something( from form) on the HRA site you get CAPTCHA ?- surely if there is a beach in the system they can find something a little more time efficient than that rubbish ? - If everyone is getting the same thing someone must pull someone's coat who thought this crazy up in the offices and say you may have all the time in the world and all the form at your finger tips but not so with the public that want to have a punt
Yep, everyone is getting it Bruce - it is a pain in the arse!
It amounts to 3 extra clicks (the 3rd is when you pass it again going back to form or starters) plus a robot check delay.
You have to wonder how necessary it is
I just sent the CEO an email regarding another matter, if everyone is in agreement about this being a pain - maybe we had better send him another