If you are going to go off on a red herring about dogs being kept against their will in backyards would you also be proposing that all horses are released to roam the High Country

You're not happy with the new regulations and are happy that some horses need to be whipped to perform. In the past some schoolchildren and prisoners performed better with the threat of the whip - do you think we should bring it back for them?

As I have said I am happy with light flicks - that is what HRA are enforcing
I have also always said that I am happy for drivers to carry a whip for in case of emergency - add jockeys to that

I figure Norway would be like Vic or NZ - similar population and of most interest to the locals just like Vic or NZ. They have the advantage of being closer to many other nations and like the rest of Europe have the advantage of being the major racing code - not gallops