It seems that this thread is full from start to end with numerous "inaccuracies" even despite the official releases on the subject by governing bodies.
Cobalt Chloride exists in several feed preparations. It is also to occur naturally as a trace element. Hence those governing bodies with real concerns and given some thought to the initial concerns and pending further substantive studies have placed a threshold level on its presence in test samples.
The presence of cobalt chloride in a test sample is not a positive swab.

As HRNSW have been at pains to state their has been no "Positive" detections by them. They have actively refuted the claims of others of 6 positive tests within their jurisdiction.
They are the only body currently testing for excesses in Cobalt Chloride.

The claims being made by others in the media and on this forum are not, therefore substantiated.
This thread remains open in the interim pending some substantiation of the claims made. If that is not possible then move on.