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Thread: How to find a previous post

  1. #1
    Super Moderator Stallion Messenger will become famous soon enough Messenger's Avatar
    Real Name
    Kevin O'Donoghue
    The Gap
    A long, long time ago

    How to find a previous post

    Begin by typing a key word or words from the previous post in the Search box on the blue menu bar at the top right of every page.

    If you find too many matches and you know extra info such as who the poster was or whether the word you're looking for was a thread title etc etc You can narrow your search down by using the Advanced Search option

    If a match for your search is in a Large thread (multi pages)
    Click on the thread in your results and then use SEARCH THREAD on the grey menu bar at the top of the page and type in your search word/s again it then lists the exact posts that your search word or words were mentioned in for you to simply click on and read

    I hope that is not too confusing - it is about a simple as I can make it
    per un PUGNO di DOLLARI

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Stallion Messenger will become famous soon enough Messenger's Avatar
    Real Name
    Kevin O'Donoghue
    The Gap
    A long, long time ago
    Another excellent suggestion from Aussiebreno is
    Go to google and type ' your search words' and it will open to the right page of the thread. Although sometimes for this site it opens to an archived version of the thread which is annoying.
    per un PUGNO di DOLLARI

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