
The service date is the critical date not the foaling date, i.e if the mare is served on or after the set first day for service then the foal is ok regardless of when its actualy born. If the mare was served prior to the first day for service and she foaled before the 1st of Sep then its a last season foal (that of course is if the authorities become aware of it's birth)

VVV unless your mare foaled unattended then someone who I presume is capable of reading a calender KNOWS what day it was foaled on. Anyone notifying anything other then that date to the authorities is lying. Something that some posters here IMHO are advocating and yes staff at the authority are doing likewise.

Don't foals still have to be on their dams to be freezebranded? Don't know if their are ET"S done that aren't listed as ET's but I'm sure that more then one ET is done in some instances from the same mare to increase the chance of a live foal.

After Sushi Sushi I'm sure many people will lose their apprehension about ET foals now anyway.