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Discuss European harness racing here
Well Dad ( John DuCHARME ) did ( he is 90 now ) drive... It wasn't very often. The most interesting part to the European readers is the horse ( Richie Prospect ) who was named after ME. But more important finished 2nd to both Nevele Pride and...
Most drugs get "mixed" into a "cocktail" of general performance drugs that are LEGALLY used 24-72 hours BEFORE the race in that quest to "make the horse FEEL better" (race better) with a veterinarians help as part of THEIR training "skills" And...
Norway Trotting has shown some real courage and handed down a suspension worthy of the crime (doping) to French Trainer. Hopefully Sweden will also suspend Fabrice Souloy ? However ? IF they simply allow "trainership" to shift on "paper" to his...
Just wondering if there is a limit to monte races at a certain age for riders? I cannot find any information on why someone like Jean Michel Bazire (he of 17 Sulky D'ors) would hang up the boots and remain sulky only
Here is the link http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/specialseries/2017/04/sports-doping-endless-chase-170413073512026.html It is a 2-part documentry I have NO problem naming trainers like Fabrice Souloy (cobalt) or Ake Svanstedt...
For an american who has raced in Europe. The level of fan appreciation and support is heartwarming. American " Racinos" would "drop" LIVE racing in a heart-beat IF they are allowed ? I am glad the weather cooperated in Stockholm. When I was...
unfortunately there was not enough time to logistically arrange all the blood work, and travel documents. Also, my father (John DuCHARME) is 90, and travel is difficult, and thus he could NOT come and watch his horse. VoS is "in" @ The Poconos...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOdOhB9It1M&t=183s He is something "special !! R DuCHARME
Online-Catalog http://shop.asvt.se/image/catalog/pdf/1.%20ELITAUKTION%202016%20WEB.pdf
http://www.harnesslink.com/Europe/21-Engaged-to-Grand-Prix-de-France-2-9-16-docx I cannot see the shorter 2100m causing Bold Eagle any problems
Just one month, and one of the biggest trotting events of Europe will start The Prix dAmerique http://www.prix-amerique.com/?lang=en
Seems there is very little activity here. I just joined and if anybody wants to discuss European trotting or have any questions either post or please feel free to message me
http://www.harnesslink.com/News/Fitting-brother-s-tribute-is-Ireland-UK-s-richest-race-?highlight=brother's tribute
My understanding is Share The Delight is heading over to the United Kingdom for stud duty. Will he be just standing stud or will he be racing at all?
I am working on a secret project, is there a form or publication that I could look at to see a trotters past performances?
anyone know how Armbro Laser is doing in Italy
I have to ask what happens in Europe when you use a mobile start and a horse resfuses to come to the starting gate as soon as it begins moving. Do punters lose their wager, do you have a recall or what? In Canada, they have a fair start rule...
hi iv got a 18 month old colored trotter and have broke him in he was going very well, but know he as started to skip abit ive been told his sire trotted and when he hit speed he would pace sometimes on the track but not allways ive been told...
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