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The best example of a "pro" athlete compared to HIS amateur OLYMPIC record is the original " Dream Team " Larry Bird was certainly deserving to be on it, but his place on the team was really a post-career honor. He never played a game after the...
https://www.yahoo.com/sports/evgenia-medvedeva-leads-russian-appeal-ioc-status-restored-closing-ceremony-141357439.html hope others are watching ? Let's see IF russia has a equestrian team in TOKYO ? R DuCHARME
https://www.wada-ama.org/ The FEI ( INTERNATIONAL Equestrian Federation ) https://www.wada-ama.org/en/code-signatoriesn ) has "signed on " https://www.wada-ama.org/en/what-we-do/the-code
https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/2/14/17003898/olympics-russia-doping-science I would say the same thing about certain horses and trainers ? I wonder if any Russian horses will be invited to TOKYO 2020 ? ...
Maybe THIS ( I hope NOT ) is the future ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8J-nWzsmDU But just like in DOG racing ...? Maybe it would work out better IF we just let the horses race ? I know some of our horses would "drive" a better race...
http://www.nydailynews.com/newswires/sports/russia-doping-tension-marks-final-day-ioc-meetings-article-1.3498286 Is harness racing any different ? when we continually WELCOME back horses and trainers and owners who have tested + The question to...
Apparently not enough people know who John DuCHARME is ? And ironically, the benchmark article (Hoofbeats Dec 2002) about my Dad is NOT available "on-line" because The USTA has only digitized back to 2004 ? Go figure ? And the Web-Words article (...
I was lucky enough to be in Paris for Cadel's win and as much as I will be cheering for Richie this tour, I am not expecting too much. More often than not nowadays the tour is one by the elite rider with the strongest team. Chris Froome (going...
Okay just like everybody, I love my kids. Recently I enrolled my little guy (14) in a music production school. One thing I don't understand is why a 7 month course is priced at $11,000.00. I understand audio engineering is not taught everywhere but...
This will probably be a rarely used thread but when you are trying to contact someone but cannot for the above reason you can just make a one word post here
Just in from NSW Stewards an inquiry was opened into the performance of Cooper Cronk in the last at ANZ Stadium owing to a poor performance after choking Trainer Craig Bellamy has stated that Cooper will now go for a spell
Anh talks with Dr Charlie Teo while he paints him , what a great story. I am now sorry I did not get my late brother Mike to see this guy, maybe he would still be here, maybe not. http://iview.abc.net.au/programs/anhs-brush-with-fame/DO1523H003S00
All i can say is wow. http://www.9news.com.au/news/national/2016/07/07/11/54/mike-baird-announces-greyhound-racing-will-be-shut-down-in-nsw
Has anyone sighted the man of late? He used to be a moderator and regular contributor on this board
I'm going to be sent to the naughty corner but so be it. I tried to let it go and was relying on somebody else bringing it up but that hasn't happened. I'm 'POSITIVE' that after breaking out of the gate and losing 6 lengths, one shouldn't then be...
Not only the trots this week either Kev http://www.australianracinggreyhound.com/australian-greyhound-racing/hunt-greyhound-returns-positive-for-amphetamine-methamphetamine/60956
Who has won most VFL premierships?
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