Quote Originally Posted by Old Frank View Post
With the point highlighted above, one could say the same goes for you ABD. I certainly haven't read everyone of your posts (nor intend too), but haven't sighted any evidence from you to support your poorly veiled insinuations that Luke's success is down to anything but drug use.
Frank to borrow another forum users quote If it looks like a rat, smells like a rat, it usually is a Rat . All Iv'e ever asked is for someone to convince me it isn't a Rat.
Sounds like a reasonable request. But all I've received so far is how good a bloke he is , how good a driver he is, bla bla bloody bla .Which I have agreed with a hundred times .
But nobody has offered a plausible explanation for improved performances on a scale that I personally have never seen before.

P.S I don't believe I have ever stated that I think he is using Drugs.