Members probably shouldn't be putting admin in the position of editing posts. A lot of immature posting and keyboard warrior posting is happening. We probably don't need/want these posters so if they complain when there posts are edited tough titties imo. On the occasion a respected poster needs a post edited I believe they will be mature enough to handle it. (I haven't actually taken notice of the editing but have seen things that should/could get edited and probably do after I've seen them)

For every poster that whinges about the editing there would be at least 5 who are right behind you Admin.

I don't think we should ban negative stuff. There have been quite a few threads that have run their course without modification (I could be wrong here because I don't really see what you do behind the scenes). I can see from your point of view as the guy doing all the work you may want this though.

Shut forum down......where else would I waste away my life????